
Grouping Tasks for Speed and Efficiency

Pull out your new and improved To-Do list. Look it over and I bet you'll see some commonalities and patterns. You might find there are types of tasks that are all performed similarly.

How are they similar? Maybe you complete these tasks while you're in the same mindset or while using the same equipment. They might be tasks that are call-related, tasks that need to be done in the same software on the computer, tasks that require extended thinking, etc. 
By grouping these tasks together, you can save transition time between activities – and, of course, get more done in less time. These are the types of tasks that are perfect for batching: 
·       Tasks that occur or can be scheduled in the same physical location.
By grouping tasks in the same environment together, you save time moving back and forth. For instance, if you're meeting a client downtown, arrange several other meetings in the same general area.

Other ideas: Mailing/shipping at the post office, doctor's appointments, running errands, even daily tasks in your house (when you're in the kitchen cooking breakfast, put away the dishes in the dishwasher, too).

·       Tasks that occur or can be scheduled in the same location virtually.
When using certain websites or software online, you'll begin to see commonalities where you can batch tasks. Setting up specialized software can be a time-eater. If you are sending emails, log in to your account and write and send a bunch at once. For instance, why not write a week's worth of blog posts in your Word Processor and then copy and paste them all into your blog at once? You can do the same thing with article marketing. Write a series of 5 articles and then submit them all at once. Or perhaps your video creation. If you've got the software open to create one video, you might as well create several at the same time.

Other ideas: Keyword research, uploading videos to Amazon S3, Uploading blog posts, conducting interviews on Skype, submitting articles to article directories.

·       Tasks that are repetitive.
If you were washing clothes, would you throw one sock into the washer, add detergent, turn it on, and let it go through the cycle, then take it out and add the next sock? No way! You'd do a whole load at once to save time, energy, water, and detergent. You can do the same thing with your business-related repetitive tasks. Doing research, creating a tracking sheet, and sending e-mails to potential JV partners can easily be batched at each stage of the process.

Other ideas: Entering receipts into your accounting software program, paying bills, sending out requests for information, updating your blog security and plugins.

·       Tasks that have the same goal.
Performing all your marketing activities during a set time period keeps your brain in the right spot – you don't have to switch speeds from thinking about advertising and publicity to editing to bookkeeping.

Other ideas: Brainstorming new product ideas, writing articles for submission, finding affiliate products to promote.

One caveat: You want to perform high-value tasks, not just ones you can get done quickly. There is a huge difference between being effective and being busy. Activities that can be batched – especially repetitive tasks – often fall into the “busy” category. They're things we can churn out quickly, that make us feel like we've made good progress, and that we can cross off our list. But at the end of the day, we can find we spent our time efficiently, but not particularly effectively. That's why it's critical to evaluate what's on your list before you even begin to find ways to complete your actions more efficiently. 
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